Randy Bourque

Randy Bourque I am 59 years of age and a “Born Again Evangelist”.
I am a loving teacher of Simple Truths, with a passion to seek more simple truths from Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ through salvation of the unsaved.
Simple Truths are the scriptures of the Bible that are so important to the salvation of individuals.
These are the word of Jesus in their basic form spoken to a lost soul in such away that it is seen as a light in their dark world.
Simple Truths are scriptures that need to be learned before anything else.

I have a love for God that keeps growing every day because
He has open the eyes of my heart to see with a greater clarity, the who, what, where, why & when.

The purpose of life is when God calls us to do greater things through His word, and then like an embryo
He births a vision in you and says trust in Me and I will show you great and wonderful and mighty things that you not seen before
and if you trust in me I will set your path straight and you can't help but listen each day and trust Him for He is God.

Slingshots For Christ Assoc. is His purpose for my life.

We are an association bringing together, Polaris Slingshots, who are "Born Again Christians",
who have a passion to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Gospel is the Good News
The Gospel is that God became man in Christ.
He lived the life we should have lived
He died the death we should have died.
He rose from the grave, proving He is the Son of God.
He offers to every person the free gift of eternal life to who believe in His Name.
Oct 31, 1958 (Age: 66)
Calgary, Alberta Canada